Auto shop coaching offers invaluable benefits. Through that relationship, you get industry insights, help with strategic planning, and a trusted accountability partner. Your coach will also help discover any blind spots holding you back and uncover hidden areas of opportunity to propel your auto shop to greater success.
All those benefits should make it easy to say “Yes” to auto shop coaching. But the truth is, many barriers might keep you from accepting help. By crushing those barriers, you can take control of your future—and it all starts with learning about what challenges might lie ahead.
Fortunately, we’re here to help. Learn all you need to know from our informative guide on the barriers to coaching.
Money Matters
Are you convinced that you simply cannot afford professional coaching services? Coaching may feel far out of reach if your finances are stretched to the limit each month.
If that’s your reality, there are affordable alternatives you should consider, such as:
- Webinars
- Online seminars
- Industry networking events
- Aftermarket radio network
- Mentorship opportunities
You’re also welcome to tune into our Weekly Blitz with Chris Cotton podcast to learn smart tactics to get you on the right path.
Once you’re bringing in enough to afford coaching, take the next steps to improve your finances even more. Talented auto shop coaches provide their clients with an excellent return on investment, ensuring the service pays for itself over time.
At AutoFix Auto Shop Coaching, we offer our clients an average return of 9x—$9 for every $1 you spend on our services. We fast-track our initial onboarding and foundational services, too, so you can get right to making the improvements that will boost your profits.
Time Constraints
Do you run your auto shop from early morning to late night? If so, you might feel like there’s little time left for coaching sessions. And it’s true that coaching is time-consuming, but it’s time well spent.
It would be best to have an effective time management strategy, like time blocking, to overcome this hurdle. This strategy involves dividing up your day into blocks linked to specific tasks. You’ll need to identify the tasks you must complete each day, estimate how long they take, and arrange them on your daily schedule.
Just don’t forget to delegate tasks as well. If anyone on your team can complete the task at least 80% as well as you can, let them do it. Train them on mastering the remaining 20% as you go, so you can entrust them with full control of that task as needed.
Many people are skeptical about the value of coaching and their ability to benefit from the extra support. If you feel like you already know everything about running your business—or think your problems are unique and unsolvable—we’ve got news for you:
- Nobody knows everything they need to know.
- Every day brings opportunities to learn new things.
- And getting out of your fishbowl is the first step.
You need to look at things from a different perspective to even decide if you’re running your auto repair shop to the best of your ability. An auto shop coach can pull you out of the weeds and give you a helicopter view of your company. As you look at things in a new light, you can make better decisions about your need for coaching and how to move forward.
Reluctant to Change
Feeling reluctant to change how you think and do things is natural. Fear of the unknown, worries about failing, and a perceived loss of control all make change difficult, to say the least.
What’s worse, though, is failing to reach your full potential from simply being unwilling to change. You know what they say: If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.
To make change more approachable:
- Gradually step out of your comfort zone by making small adjustments to your procedures and processes.
- Change only one to two things at a time—never more than four—and give them time to play out.
- If things go well, move forward by making other necessary changes.
Pride and Independence
There’s no doubt about it: Doing things yourself feels really good. But your pride and independence can work against you if it prevents you from seeking help when needed.
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness or incompetence. On the contrary, it takes immense bravery and shows you have the courage to seek support. And all the greats do it. LeBron James, Tom Brady, and many other successful individuals have coaches helping them achieve their goals.
If pride and independence get in your way, it’s crucial to remember that everyone has areas for growth. And if you wait to say “Yes” to coaching, you’ll only lament the lost time fixing your business.
Lack of Awareness
A lack of awareness is a big barrier to seeking coaching because you simply don’t know what support options exist for your auto repair shop. At our auto repair shop coaching company, we try to get the word out through our podcast.
We always ask our listeners to share with their networks and help their fellow auto shop owners thrive. Highlighting the benefits helps, too, such as:
- Increased profits
- Improved customer satisfaction
- Reduced stress levels
- A better work/life balance
Even successful business owners can benefit from speaking with a coach and getting outside insights and advice.
Take the Next Steps to Achieve Success with AutoFix Auto Shop Coaching
Are you ready to take the next steps toward running a truly successful auto repair shop? Get started with a call to Chris Cotton at (940) 400-1008. Chris understands the barriers to coaching because he was once there himself.
As an auto shop owner, he found himself pouring over coaching books in search of surefire answers for his business. But, for far too long, he didn’t pick up the phone to talk with the coaches who wrote those books, despite encouragement to do so. After all, his shop made $2 million annually, so what was there to improve?
Well, once Chris Cotton got into coaching, the veil lifted, giving him the answers he truly needed. With his coach’s help, he improved his parts margins and many other factors to go from simply breaking even to growing and thriving.
If you want a similar success story, pick up the phone today to chat with Chris. You’ll learn all about what benefits await and even get help overcoming any barriers keeping you from accepting the auto shop coaching services you deserve.