Speaker 1:
How did Chris and Michael meet?
Michael Gallini:
Met through Facebook. I was in the process of looking for new shop software, but also had a question about another group, which led to a guy by the name McKinney Widow, recommended me to call his personal coach. So I met Chris through a mutual friend.
Speaker 1:
What made Michael want to become a coach?
Michael Gallini:
So basically seeing other people succeed is more of a passion to me than what owning a business has ever been. And if I can do what my coach has done for me to others, then it’s a checkoff on my box of things that I want to do in life.
Speaker 1:
How do you implement coaching within your own shop?
Michael Gallini:
Every day I walk in, every single day I make my rounds to the technicians first, see if there’s maybe a different process that I can implement to help with workflow. From then, I immediately come up to the front, basically listen to phone calls, listen to the guys on the phone, go through different procedures and different ways that I would do it. Look at the whole picture, not just necessarily as a one sided individual and that’s something that I think that we all do. So me coaching, it’s my primary responsibility at the shop on a day in and a day out deal. It’s everything, it’s opening doors, closing doors, making sure that this is done and that’s done so when it comes to a question like that, it’s all day, every day. I never stop coaching my guys.
Speaker 1:
For section one, what are the benefits of being a shop owner and a coach?
Michael Gallini:
Some of the benefits of being a shop owner and a coach, the whole fact that day in and day out you’re doing coaching with your own staff. So therefore relaying the information onto a client makes it a lot more personable and the proof is in the pudding.
Speaker 1:
Are you a better coach because you are also a shop owner? How so?
Michael Gallini:
Absolutely. Once again, I go back to the whole deal of, it’s day in and day out training on my end and not just training on my end, but also implementing on the other end to my employees.
Speaker 1:
Give general background info on yourself. Who are you? What’s the story of your career and shop?
Michael Gallini:
Okay. Name is Michael Gallini, Plano, Texas. Own Eurauto Shop. Started Eurauto Shop in 2015. Prior experience to that, I was with BMW from 2000 to 2007. Left BMW, went to an independent, went to Porsche, after Porsche went back to independent, had my career up until 2014ish and decided if I was going to be a slave to somebody, I was going to be a slave to my own self. Opened Eurauto Shop in 2015. From 2015 to 2018, I was fairly stagnant. I had decent growth and just really wanted to skyrocket. Looked into the whole coaching deal and from 2018 to present time, every year we have essentially doubled our numbers.
Speaker 1:
How long have you been in the industry?
Michael Gallini:
Been in the industry for 20 years.
Speaker 1:
Which jobs in a shop have you done?
Michael Gallini:
I’ve done everything from being a technician to a service advisor to a business owner.
Speaker 1:
What is your dream car?
Michael Gallini:
This is a hard one. My dream car has been, and probably always will be, a GT3 RS.
Speaker 1:
Which goal have you achieved that you’re most proud of?
Michael Gallini:
My dream that I’ve achieved, that I’ve been most proud of, has been the whole ability of working on the business and not in the business anymore.
Speaker 1:
How did you achieve that goal?
Michael Gallini:
Coaching. I go back to the whole deal of, I think until you understand the fundamentals of what your job and what your duty should be as a business owner, coaching.
Speaker 1:
What’s your goal as a coach now?
Michael Gallini:
To see others do exactly what I’ve done and not just to be there, but to be even further ahead of me.
Speaker 1:
Describe the type of shop you enjoy working with the most and why?
Michael Gallini:
I think the type of shop that I enjoy working with the most would be somebody that has absolutely no clue and is running around like a chicken with your head cut off. I think seeing somebody go from not believing to seeing and believing is something that I would enjoy the most.
Speaker 1:
Who inspires you?
Michael Gallini:
My kids, 100%. Every single one of my kids inspire me to see, once again, them go from being something you held into your hands to cutting the umbilical cord and letting them go and make their own life decisions. My kids are what inspires me, or who inspires me.