In any business, when you serve a particular niche, you boost your earnings potential by leaps and bounds. In the auto repair industry, diesel trucks and European auto repair are two of the top niches of choice. When you decide to specialize in those areas, you not only open the doors to higher revenues, but also get some pretty great customers coming your way. Here’s five things you’re bound to love about your customers when you specialize in European and diesel repair.
Diesel and European Car Owners Prioritize Maintenance and Repairs
Diesel and Euro car owners prioritize auto repairs and maintenance, so you don’t have to work quite as hard to sell them on your services. They likely well know the pain that can come from delaying maintenance too long or skipping out on minor repairs until catastrophic damage occurs. If they haven’t gone through it themselves, they undoubtedly know someone who did.
So, invite these customers to your shop for more reliable sales without having to convince them of the importance of each service. You can count on them to seriously consider all the info in your digital vehicle inspections while seeing how to fit the recommended services into their budget. If they cannot schedule at that moment, you can trust that they will be back soon.
Diesel and European Car Owners Remain Well-Informed and Receptive to Suggestions
Diesel and Euro car owners are typically better informed about their vehicles and systems than other customers. You can go into more detail about the wear or damage without overwhelming them, creating an open dialogue about the need for services.
If they do not have time for a full conversation about your recommendations, you can just shoot the digital vehicle inspection over for their review. They are likely to easily understand what the inspection sheet is saying and can make their service decisions without the need for a long explanation.
Diesel and European Car Owners Offer Quick Response Times
While prioritizing their diesel and European auto repair needs, these clients tend to promptly respond to all your correspondence. Whether you are sending them a maintenance reminder or the results of an inspection report, they will likely get back to you as soon as reasonably possible.
Their due diligence will aid you in keeping your bays full and meeting your revenue goals. You won’t have to juggle quite as many projects in a single day or week either as you can get their services done and clear them off your schedule.
Diesel and European Car Owners Have Lots of Patience and Understanding
Despite your efforts to keep each job moving smoothly along, things do not always work out as intended. But if that happens while doing diesel or European auto repairs, you’ll be relieved to find that these customers tend to have a bit more patience and understanding.
As long as you stay in close communication with them, they will usually go with the flow and not put too much extra pressure on you to fix it fast. More often than not, they will simply adjust their expectations using the info you provide and await your next update on what’s going on.
Although it might be tempting as you balance your daily schedule, never take advantage of their good nature. If delays and other issues happen too often, they’ll feel like your shop is unable to reliably serve their needs.
Diesel and European Car Owners Use Technology to Everyone’s Advantage
In general, European and diesel vehicle owners are tech-savvy and ready to use technology to get the job done. They are happy to schedule their appointments online, open to reviewing digital inspection sheets, and even easily make their payments through text-to-pay systems.
With their willingness to use technology, you can streamline their services and make the whole process as convenient as possible for everyone involved. You can even offer them a full contactless approach if preferred to help set your shop apart from the competition.
Ready to Shift Your Focus? Let Your Auto Repair Coach Help
Although your general auto repair clients are fantastic in their own right, your European and diesel repair customers will make you glad you decided to specialize. You don’t have to drop one client for another, however, as there are always ways to make room for more.
If you’re wondering how to best balance general repairs and your niche services, you can benefit from the support of an auto repair coach. All you have to do is call (940) 400-1008 to partner with Chris Cotton at AutoFix Auto Shop Coaching, your leading auto repair coach in Texas, Florida, and everywhere in between. So, feel free to call today to join the hundreds of auto shop owners who went from worrying about the future to great success in the auto repair industry.