Top Tips for Opening an Auto Repair Shop That You’re Proud to Own

Do you have dreams of opening an auto repair shop and seeing it grow and thrive through the years? If so, you just need to follow in the footsteps of successful auto repair shop owner Michael Gallini – and his wife, Dawn, of course.

As the owner of EurAuto Shop in Plano, TX, Gallini has learned a thing or two along the way, including why it’s wise to have an auto repair coach on your side. He built a thriving European and import car repair shop with an excellent reputation for quality service through that process.

If that sounds like just what you need in your life, here’s a look at the top tips for opening an auto repair shop that you’ll be proud to own.

Skip the Stagnation by Getting an Auto Repair Coach

After years in business, Michael Gallini simply couldn’t push his auto shop to the next level. Although his efforts kept the shop surviving, it wasn’t thriving and matching his vision of success.

After trying everything he could think of, he finally reached out to AutoFix Auto Shop Coaching for help. Through that collaboration, he could see the areas in need of improvement and learned just how to move past the roadblocks in his way. It was that easy. He just needed an outside perspective and targeted feedback to gain a steady footing.

So, if you want to skip the stagnation phase in favor of getting right to business, look to Chris Cotton, top auto repair coach for guidance from the very first day. Just make sure that you’re ready to say, “Yes,” a whole lot, and step outside your comfort zone.

Plan to Serve as a Coach to Your Employees

As you learn all about the true power of coaching, you’ll undoubtedly feel inspired to do a little coaching of your own. By serving as a coach to your crew, you can share your knowledge and help all your team members excel in their roles.

Upon arriving at EurAuto Shop each day, Gallini walks through the door, ready to serve as an asset to his crew. He doesn’t just sit around and wait for the magic to happen. He provides his full attention and support, so everyone can work on the shop’s goals and advance their career success at the same time.

Employ the Profits and Cash Flow System

The precise management of your revenues is critical if you want your money working for you. Otherwise, you’ll likely end up feeling a lot poorer than you are, resulting in little to no money for the growth of your auto repair shop.

Fortunately, you can avoid all that by simply employing the Profits and Cashflow System. When Michael Gallini made that happen, he was able to say goodbye to worries about paying taxes and staying on budget. Better yet, he never has to think about money at all since the system does all the heavy lifting for him.

Aim for the Stars When You Set Smart Goals

When opening an auto repair shop, you cannot afford to let self-limiting beliefs get in your way. So, skip the reasonable goals in favor of shooting for the stars and then put in the effort to get there.

On this journey, you’ll need to create a roadmap of smaller steps that get you ever closer to reaching the moon and stars. If your goal is to become a household name all across the globe, start with a local approach and then keep pushing to gain more and more brand recognition. Want to open up shops all across the nation? Aim to open a second shop within five years of launching your first and go from there.

If you don’t quite hit your goal, that’s okay because your robust trajectory will get you further than you’d have ever believed. You can then adjust your approach or simply keep putting in the work until you’ve hit the target.

Put Money Back into Your Business

If you want your auto repair shop to grow and thrive, you need to put money back into your business. As EurAuto Shop outgrew its original space, Michael Gallini knew that he needed to do something – and fast.

So, he gathered up his funds and set out to find a bigger space for his shop, putting more money into his operations than ever before. As a result, his crew can bring in more cars and do more extensive jobs, resulting in a nice revenue increase to match his investment.

In the end, it’s clear: If you want more out of your auto repair shop, you need to put more into your shop. It’s that simple.

But Don’t Forget to Enjoy the Spoils

As you pour money into your auto repair shop, don’t forget to enjoy the spoils. After all, you work to live, not live to work, even when running your own business. To do that, let yourself dream a little and make sure that you’re living life to the fullest without compromising on shop growth.

For the Gallini family, that means a nice boat to take out onto the water and have a fantastic time. In the future, perhaps it’ll mean a powerful GT3 RS for Michael and an equally impressive sports car for Dawn.

Ready to Start Opening an Auto Repair Shop?

If you are ready to open an auto repair shop without worrying about common pitfalls, consider hiring an auto repair coach from the very start. Although you could wait, having the guidance available from the get-go allows you to start working toward your dreams of success from day one.

To get started, you just need to reach out to Chris Cotton at AutoFix Auto Shop Coaching to schedule your first call. During that chat, you’ll learn all about how your auto repair coach will help you build a successful business from the ground up. You can then decide if you’d like that wealth of information on your side as you get ready to launch your enterprise.

You’re also welcome to tune in to the Weekly Blitz with Chris Cotton to learn tips and tricks on the go. With a quick listen to each podcast episode, you can learn what to avoid and work toward great success in the auto repair industry.


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